Genre: Newsreel
Year: 1980
Description: News items. Amongst others, inauguration of the monument in honor of three persons from the resistance movement, who got executed on September 6th, 1944. Followed by a ceremony in honor of veteran soldiers.
News items. Amongst others, inauguration of the monument in honor of three persons from the resistance movement, who got executed on September 6th, 1944. Followed by a ceremony in honor of veteran soldiers.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Military ceremonies, honors, and salutes / Seconde Guerre mondiale / Tweede Wereldoorlog / hommages / huldigingen / fleurs / bloemen / drapeaux / vaandels / costumes / kostuums / cortèges / optochten / folklore / folklore / feu / vuur / Belgique / België / Beernem / Beernem / Bruges / Brugge / Ostende / Oostende / Coxyde / Koksijde / Vanneste, Olivier / Vanneste, Olivier / Bulskampveld / Bulskampveld / van Outryve d'Idewalle, Pierre / van Outryve d'Idewalle, Pierre / anciens combattants / oud-strijders / Première Guerre mondiale / Eerste Wereldoorlog / Pette Sjieke / Pette Sjieke / humour / humor / revues / revues / Saint-Martin / Sint-Maartenfeesten / théâtre / schouwburg / spectacles / voorstellingen / fêtes / feesten / Résistance / verzet / guerres / oorlogen / arts / kunsten / Europe / Europa
Provider: Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique
Rights: In Copyright / J.M.P.- Trends
Colour: Colour
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: nl